Leading Strategies for Effective Patient Recruitment and Retention

Principles, Priorities, and Plans for Life Science Organisations

A Kinapse White Paper
Written by Joshua Li & Aatif Kababi

Executive summary

Enrolment delays and protocol amendments in clinical trial enrolment cost the biopharmaceutical industry approximately $20 billion a year. To make matters worse, nearly half of these corrections are avoidable, particularly those caused by patient recruitment and retention issues.

To remedy these issues, R&D teams are evaluating their strategies in approaching recruitment and retention issues towards a more patient-centric approach. These strategies typically have two desired outcomes:

  1. To ensure trials are more valuable to all stakeholders - especially patient volunteers
  2. To ensure trials are more likely to enrol on time and within budget
R&D teams must evaluate a plethora of potential available strategies and tactics to find those that are best for their organisation. This task can be daunting for even the most seasoned team but with a principled approach and the right level of support, improvements can be achieved quickly and consistently.

This white paper shares industry best practices in the assessment and implementation of patient recruitment and retention strategies. Topics include:

  • How the experience of key stakeholders can diverge significantly and cause unique enrolment challenges
  • How to assess and prioritise the landscape of possible recruitment and retention strategies and tactics
  • How R&D organisations can leverage a systematic approach to develop a strategic framework that fits their unique characteristics

Fill out the form above to download Kinapse's white paper which draws from a wealth of experience in promoting better clinical trial recruitment and retention practice

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Our leadership team have watched the life Sciences industry develop and have a joint vision of how to push it forward. They challenge us to create better results for our clients, to come up with ways to revolutionize the industry and to redefine our place in it.

Two-Col Row with Image

Morbi cursus varius ex id rutrum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin metus libero, auctor vel tempor non, venenatis posuere ipsum. Vivamus vulputate sapien augue. Nunc in nisl rhoncus, dapibus purus nec, consequat magna. Nullam dapibus lorem et magna tristique porta. Phasellus pharetra sem ut nisl tristique eleifend nec non est. Nam euismod ex quis elit tristique sodales.

Aenean nec sodales purus. Nunc vel risus at lacus bibendum auctor:

  • Suspendisse in bibendum risus, nec lobortis nisl.
  • Morbi condimentum vel neque nec posuere.
  • Nullam dignissim sagittis interdum.

Quisque volutpat, turpis eu elementum suscipit, sapien dui sollicitudin erat, in pulvinar lorem nisi a lectus. Sed nec arcu eu ex tincidunt gravida. Nam dignissim orci et velit tincidunt, pellentesque ultrices lectus interdum. Sed venenatis in eros at elementum.

Sed varius sapien maximus, molestie nunc sit amet, elementum leo. Quisque condimentum varius erat, in bibendum sem tristique id. Duis ac sagittis risus. Vivamus mattis, nulla pharetra rutrum feugiat, velit leo tincidunt eros, vitae dignissim ex justo in nulla.

Our leadership team have watched the life Sciences industry develop and have a joint vision of how to push it forward. They challenge us to create better results for our clients, to come up with ways to revolutionize the industry and to redefine our place in it.